
Plan B


I have traded client calls and contracts for binkies and potty training, traded briefcase and thermos for electronic games and basketball.

In 2011, unemployed for 12 months, no job prospects in sight, I agreed that my daughter, a nurse, would change her schedule from nights to days. I would babysit her three children: son, Billy, 11 years, son, Cameron, 7 years, daughter, Marissa, 2.5 years.

Being a full time Nana is déjà vu. I was a full time mother for years prior to taking the journey of working Mom. Kids still need the same things to sustain them in life: love, a safe home and good direction. I can fix the boo-boos, repair broken toys, give medicine when ill, and entertain them when they are bored.

Direct supervisor: female, born and raised by me, a product of my parenting. We are of the same mind, with similar life’s goals, same morals and ethics, same governmental ideology and same religious beliefs. She and her husband have entrusted in me their children’s well-being.

Clients: Cameron and Billy who love electronic games, playing basketball in the yard, gymnastics, and driving one another crazy. Enforcing their “time out” is not going to cost me a $5,000 contract! My most important clients look to me for correct answers and knowledge. Their demands are minimum and simple to meet…be fair with them, keep them safe and love them.

Job feedback: instant Marissa who claps, smiles and yells gleefully “I did it” when she is successful with puzzles and games or just making it to the potty on time!

Job benefits: Cameron runs in the house from school breathlessly talking a mile-a-minute about his day, breathing once to ask “Nana, can I have a snack? And do hammerhead sharks live near the Cape?” Or when tiny little arms wrap around my neck and she whispers in an angelic voice, “I love you Nana” while rocking her at nap time. Or when my 11 year old grandson can honestly beat me at Scrabble and ask for a rematch.

Job recognition: being told I can actually still play “decent D” against my Billy during a game of one-on-one. I hear, “Not bad Nana”!
Breaks: half hour, cold lunch in car replaced with healthy hot lunch, at kitchen table shared with Marissa who simply wants “pasta with shaker cheese please”. We talk of baby dolls, seashells, birds flying and pretty dresses. Fifteen minute morning and afternoon breaks now self-directed at my leisure, sitting near the sand box in yard with a hot cup of coffee watching Marissa play.

New assignments: learning about electronic games and receiving a refresher course in shooting best layup shots and free throws. Memorize all the Disney Princesses names.

Job review: “Thanks for doing all the laundry Mom, thanks for watching the boys while they were sick, thanks for helping the baby learn to use the potty, and thanks for being you”. No glass ceiling to worry about here.
Great location, schedule is three days per week, great benefits, walks on the beach weather permitting, long lunches, frequent breaks, free living quarters, instant job reviews, high client retention, job security, no commute, vacations at least 3 weeks per year. Casual attire required.
Stress level reduced from 125% to 40%…

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