Ahhh…March….. the month that Mother Nature seems to juggle storms and 70 degree days to completely tease us one second and confuse us the next!!
(Photos: AP/ Michael Dwyer)
A large wave crashes into a seawall in Winthrop, Mass., Saturday, March 3, 2018, a day after a nor’easter pounded the Atlantic coast.
Two Nor’easters hit New England within 6 days of one another. The first storm was the most powerful which left hundreds of thousands of residents and businesses without power for days, some just getting their power back March 10th. Seawalls torn down and flooding of streets on the coast, while 20 miles away 14-20 inches of snow fell!
New England folks are a hearty sort…and most jump in to help thy neighbor. A community comes together during shared trials and tribulations.
Where there’s a need soldiers are there! National Guard to the rescue!!
And Here We Go Again New England….ANOTHER STORM, The Third in 11 Days!
By Wednesday (3/14/18) morning, lingering light snow will continue for most of northern New York and into New England. Maine will see the heaviest snowfalls and the Northeast will experience temperatures and wind chills that make March feel a lot more like February. (Courtesy of abc news)
Note: 3/14/18 just spoke to a friend in Maine who has 24 inches of snow and it is still coming down!! Hearty, hearty souls in Maine!!!!
Buckle in Yankees….the word is another will grace our doorsteps next week! Don’t wait too long to find that generator or stock up on foods!
45.3601° N, 68.2864° W
Any idea what these numbers represent?
These are the coordinates for Lee, Maine where you will find House in the Woods Military and Family Retreat. Located at 217 Skunk Hill Road…..just up the road a piece!
House in the Woods is a nonprofit organization offering outdoor programs to bring together small groups of active military, veterans, and their family members to relax, share, bond, and deal with the stress, loss, grief, and other emotions which can haunt the grieving soul.
We offer canoeing, kayaking, hiking, hunting, fishing, nature tours, campfires, swimming, wildlife identification and spotting, and other natural Eastern Maine resource “treasures” God has given our beautiful state to enjoy.
When this is a daily occurrence for you, it’s a struggle to not think of it when you reintegrate to the States.
At HITW we are here to take your mind and body to outdoors, and refresh your spirit in a safe and confidential environment, where you are free to talk of experiences while serving .
We honor and respect your service, whether it was last week or 25 years ago. We are here to show you that there are many things to look forward to and many ways to heal.
If you or someone you love are in need of immediate assistance please reach out to the Veterans Crisis Line: 800-273-8255.
As participants face the outdoor challenges presented by Mother Nature herself, they will have the opportunity to share laughter, memories, sorrow, service, and pride, among many other common bonds.
All of us who are associated with House in the Woods want to take this opportunity to, once again…and ALWAYS…thank each business, each family and each individual who continue to generously and graciously support our lodge and the mission of our nonprofit organization. Without your financial support we would not be reaching so many of our deserving veterans and their families, active military and their families and our combat wounded.
We are here for the long~run! Life as all of us have known it has seen generations of young men and women go off to war. We know there are far too many veterans who suffer alone. If you are one or know of one, please tell them about House in the Woods.
There is comfort and relaxation here as well as many who know how to converse with a veteran and, more importantly…LISTEN. We are here for all veterans from all walks of life.
Many associated with HITW are veterans. We truly believe it takes a Vet to understand a Vet.
REMEMBER: All accommodations and meals are FREE to those who have served, those home on leave and their families. Call us…come see us.
Let us show you our welcoming, comfortable lodge and gather with your brothers in arms.
If you would like to help support our lodge for veterans please follow the link below:
Get Involved, House in the Woods
A Great Hunters Safety Course
March 3rd, 2018 House in the Woods hosted a Hunters Safety Course.
Thanks to Frank, Travis, and Jordan Roy, 3 generations of Maine Inland Fish and Wildlife’s Hunter Safety instructors and Warden, Paul Farrington for a great day of training for future hunters.
This official training program is developed to meet the standards for Hunting Safety education established by the state of Maine.
Eastern Maine Sportsmen’s Show March 16-18, 2018 Orono, ME
Stop by the booth of House in the Woods
Booth 142 A: House in the Woods
Booth 142 B: Sgt. Joel House Summer
Camp Foundation

Penobscot County Conservation Association’s annual Eastern Maine Sportsmen’s Show will be held March 16-18, at University of Maine Field House.
Hours will be 4-9 p.m. Friday, March 16. 9 a.m.-8 p.m. Saturday, March 17. And 9 a.m.-4 p.m. Sunday, March 18.
There will be more than 120 exhibitors, including canoes, fishing, fly tying, hunting dogs, trapping, taxidermy, boat and marine supplies, outdoor wear, bow hunting, camping, backpacking, ATVs, firearms, demonstrations, talks and entertainment. Prices are $8 for adults and children age 12 and older; $12 for a weekend pass. For information on specific vendors and scheduling, visit Conservation Association.
Yes, the “wearin of the Green” is Saturday this year. Considering there are millions of Irishmen and women throughout the 50 United States…we felt we would be remiss if we didn’t wish you a happy holiday.
Follow this link to find some very interesting facts about the history, the money, and the fun that make up St. Paddy’s.
St. Patrick’s Day By The Numbers
Parades, parties at the pubs (green beer and all) and lots of leprechauns running about!! Even the non~Irish claim to have the blood running through their veins on March 17th!
May your troubles be less and your blessings be more…And nothing but happiness come through your door….
Maple Syrup Time
Courtesy of New England Today Travel
Best New England Maple Festivals and Events 2018
Celebrate the sweetness of maple by attending one of our picks for the best New England maple festivals and events. Dates have been updated for 2018.
New England Maple Syrup Festival
Remember! New England weather can be fickle. Always check websites to confirm the date and time before heading out.
In Maine, the fourth Sunday in March is always Maine Maple Sunday, when producers open their sugar~houses with free tastings and demonstrations of how syrup is made.
Follow the link below to find where you may want to visit Maine for this special Sunday.
If you are any where near Penobscot County, look for Lee, Maine where you will find House in the Woods. Take a drive up to see our lodge where veterans and active military come to heal, rest and enjoy outdoor events.
REMINDER: Maine Veterans
April 2nd, 2018 is the application deadline for REGISTERED MAIN GUIDE SCHOOL.
The Cole Land Transportation Museum of Bangor and House in the Woods Military and Family Retreat of Lee share a common goal of supporting veterans. In an effort to attain that goal we have teamed up to host a free Registered Maine Guide School for Veterans May 4-6, at the Cole Land Transportation Museum, 405 Perry Road.
This program is open to all Maine veterans, or active/reserve members who have served honorably in the United States Armed Forces. There is a limit of 25 students for the course. The 25 students will be selected through an application process.
Lodging is provided free of charge at the House in the Woods Lodge in Lee, Maine to the veterans attending the guide course.
If you have any questions contact Jim Neville, Executive Director of the Cole Land Transportation Museum at: (207) 990-3600 x14, or by email at jneville@colemuseum.org. The fax number is (207) 262-9908
Although I am writing this newsletter in the midst of the 3rd Nor’easter, it is true….Spring is coming soon!! As we dig out of the snow and tire of snowsuits, wet mittens and school closings keep in mind, there is nothing like Spring in New England!!
Spring Equinox 2018 in the Northern Hemisphere 12:15 PM, Tuesday March 20th 2018!!
Professional Bull Riding
Saturday March 24th: 7 PM and Sunday March 25th: 2 PM
Cross Insurance Center, Bangor, Maine
Looking for jaw~dropping action?
If you have never seen an actual Bull Riding Rodeo…this is your perfect chance.
Don’t live in Maine?? That’s okay, contrary to rumors….Mainers love out~of~state~visitors!! I can attest to it as they always greet you as if you are an old friend. You will LOVE it there!!
Go up for the weekend. Or, if you’re skiing in Maine pop over Saturday or Sunday for outstanding entertainment from some of the toughest cowboys in America!!
In 2017 Matt Merritt and Richard Jones of PBR Velocity Tour visited House in the Woods. At that time they brought a filming crew to create a video about House in the Woods which Wrangler helps to share. Also, PBR has graciously been sharing this video across the United States during their half~time at bull riding events to honor our veterans young and senior.
Click the link below to see first~hand how Matt and Richard spoke about House in the Woods and how they perceive the lodge as a great place for veterans.
Battle of The Badges
April 7th, 2018, Saturday at Lee Academy
Battle of the Badges is our own local “phenomenon” that grips the Penobscot County, Maine sports enthusiasts who wear a badge to work: Police, sheriff, fire, forest ranger, game warden…they all can shoot hoops and help a veteran by joining in!!
Alright folks, the Battle of the Badges Basketball Tourney will be taking place April 7th, 2018 at Lee Academy. This is a public safety employee only tournament with all proceeds going to the House In The Woods Military & Family Retreat.
Entry fee for players is $15 per person. Admission for the public to watch these games is by donation only so please pass the word for this great cause.
Teams interested in playing please send a private message to Battle of the Badges Face Book page if you haven’t done so already. Also they are in need of volunteers to ref the games that day. That would be a VERY interesting position for the day!!!
April 18, 2018
Has Your Business Hit a Roadblock??
Making Of The Maine Business Mind April 18, 2018
Doors: 1:30 pm / Show: 2:00 pm (event ends at 6:00 pm)
Buy tickets in person at the Port City Music Hall box office, 504 Congress Street, Portland, Maine. Wednesday-Friday 10AM-5PM, charge by phone at 800-745-3000, or online right here. State Theatre Portland
$20 Advance / $25 Day of Show
PCMH box office will open one hour before doors night of show.
The purpose of the seminar is to motivate, energize, and inform attendees of innovative techniques and strategies used by many successful business moguls.
Target Audience: Anyone involved in a company’s sales process and sales cycle. From the initial prospecting to the servicing/retention of the client after the close of the business. From owners and leadership roles to the administrative customer service support roles. All roles that play an integral part of making any business profitable.
All proceeds will from this event will be donated to the House in the Woods.
Event Directed by Meg Robinson
Questions? Contact Meg Robinson at mrobinson@trynorthpoint.com.
Thank You North Point Mortgage!!!
APRIL 21st, 2018, SATURDAY
Maine Inland Fisheries and Wildlife ATV Safety Course
Time: 8:00 am – 2:30 pm
Pack your lunch and join us at the lodge where we will, once again, host Frank Roy as he offers an ATV Safety Course.
This class will have a maximum of 20 students. So register as soon as you can.
CALL (telephone) Frank Roy @ 207/461-1185
to register.
A person 10 years of age or older but under 16 years of age may not operate an ATV unless that person has successfully completed a training course approved by the department and is accompanied by an adult.
As we well know ATV use abounds in Maine. Take a day to learn the safest way to enjoy riding. It’s worth it as we know accidents happen when we lack knowledge!
ATV Fun For the Family…Let’s do it Safely!
Note: Students under age 16 must be accompanied by parent or guardian.
Attn: House in the Woods Volunteers
April 27~28, 2018
As we prepare for the 2018 season, I would like to thank each one of you for a job well done! I’m sure you’ve heard it said before, “Many hands make light work”. This was definitely true last season.
Together we gave 3,937 hours to the lodge, since I started keeping track in August. What a fantastic outpouring of community support for our veterans and HITW.
We will be hosting a volunteer/staff training on Friday evening and Saturday, April 27 and 28, 2018. We are still in the planning phase for this program, more detailed information will be available by the end of March.
Everyone who is interested in volunteering this year is strongly encouraged to attend. Lodging will be provided, with preference given to those who need to travel the furthest first.
Please set these dates aside and watch our Face Book page for the details.
Hope to see you all soon…. from the office of HITW
April 1st, 2018
He is risen….
As you gather with loved ones to celebrate Easter in the manner which you choose, my personal message to readers is………..
He is risen….
Newsletter created by: Brenda Everson~Shaw