~The Dandelion~
She will blow and blow
But will never know
Where the little dandelion will go
Where the little dandelion will grow.
The wind takes it high
The wind takes it low
But still she will never know
Where the little dandelion will go
Where the little dandelion will grow.

“Children of the world, blown to all corners of the world, we bloom anywhere!”
~Diane Townsend Davis~
The Unsung Heroes
In 1986 Secretary of Defense Caspar Weinberger designated April as the Month of the Military Child to recognize and honor the service of our youngest heroes, our military kids…often called Military Brat.

Dad or Mom gets deployed which potentially means another move for the whole family. These kids are leaving best buddies, their Little League team, their favorite soccer field, and a house they “really liked” and enroll in another new school. They are proud of their parent who is serving, but they miss them every day. Their military parent is gone months and, sometimes, off and on, years.
Dad is not there for dinner, not there to help with the science project or to attend the ball practice or school play, not sitting with the family in church. Instead, Dad is in Iraq or Afghanistan….or some other weird named country too far away. But these kids can tell you how many months, weeks, days, hours and seconds until Dad’s plane lands at the base or his ship docks.
These are some of the most adaptable and resilient kids around! They have to be. Every year or two they might be asked to start over in a new city, a new state and, sometimes, even a new country.
If you know of a military family who has relocated to your town or neighborhood, please make it a point to welcome them and show them the sincere respect they deserve. When a military parent is serving the kids are serving too. Their whole life is a sacrifice for our freedom!!
Take a moment to look at the following informational booklet:Everyone Serves.
If you are a civilian who has never endured the military separation from a family member, I highly recommend you still read this handbook. It will give you a tremendous amount of insight into the deployment cycle. You may also gain some valuable tips as to how you can extend a hand to our military families.
An excerpt from the book: Your dad is heading out for yet another deployment, which means he won’t be around for your basketball games or for your sister’s soccer games. Plus, you’ll have more chores and more responsibilities. You’re struggling with a range of emotions: dread, pride, sadness, and maybe even a little resentment. Welcome to the emotional roller coaster called the deployment cycle.
From the CEO of Blue Star Families: No matter if this is your first, third or seventh time, deployment is an intense and unusual part of our lives. I urge you to spend time with this great resource, and take care of yourself.
— Kathy Roth-Douquet, CEO, Blue Star Families
Acknowledge the kids…the Unsung Heroes, the Military Brat and attempt to understand what it must be like to have your Mom or Dad away in some foreign country while you and your family are moving into another new neighborhood. If you have children in your family I ask that you encourage them to welcome the military children. They have some excellent…and some sad…adventures they can share with your kids. Just as your kids can share the local “awesome places” to go fishing or skate boarding. The kids of military parents may have lived in another country or on the “coolest Marine base” around!! Their Dad may fly awesome fighter jets or Mom might be in Intelligence unit or control drones. First and foremost; pray for these families!
Chances are someone in your friends & family network was raised as a Military Brat. Some in my family were.Take a moment to ask them what it really was like for them.
There is a nonprofit organization called Blue Star Families. Their mission: strengthening military families and connecting America to its’ military. Take a moment to visit their website. They can also be found on Face Book.
I was introduced to this organization by a member of my extended family who is a Regional Director of Blue Star Families. Her husband is Navy, their three young unsung heroes have been military forever!
Most civilians have no idea of this organization and I want to make you, the reader and supporter of our military, aware of this great group who help military families acclimate and assimilate!

If it takes a village to raise a child, it takes a nation to support its’ military.

~ Support Our Military…Loud and Proud ~
House in the Woods Military and Family Retreat often has attendees who bring their spouses and their kids to share in the events. We are steadfast supporters of these families. We fully comprehend their lifestyle and their losses. We honor them and are here to help them.
Our events provide the families a time to spend together with other veterans and active duty military in an outdoor adventure. A relaxed atmosphere and often educational time in nature that they will never forget. We always make these kids aware of how proud we are of them and thank them for their service as our Unsung Heroes.

Time with family in the great outdoors through House in the Woods events!!

I’m sorry, but cleaning is never fun, but one of life’s necessities!
Yet, this is one of those times we are happy to be doing our first “spring cleaning” of our new lodge, House in the Woods. The task began this week. Clearing out the sawdust from construction, at 15 foot (plus) high ceilings, was a challenge, but we are getting very close to opening the doors to our guests. Thanks to all the volunteers who answered the call for help!! We want it spotless!!
Ask and you shall receive….when Paul House put the message out, volunteers showed up at the lodge to help with the task of cleaning! We have the Best of the Best in Maine!!
Jeremy, Rachel, Andrew, Lydia, and David. (Not shown Carol and Rick.)

But did Paul work them too hard?? No…everyone needs a break. Take five where you are!!

All of these great volunteers actually DID work. Touch-up painting, vacuuming and dusting…all over the lodge!! Paul just stole their shoes to make sure they didn’t leave!!

With each day we are closer to holding our first events at our beautiful lodge for our combat wounded, all veterans and active military. We will soon be broadcasting the actual open house date soon. But first there is the…..
The Infamous PUNCH LIST!!
As with any construction, residential or commercial, the inevitable punch list is handed over. We have some great contractors attacking it. Soon folks….soon, the occupancy permit will be in hand!!! We certainly have learned a lot and the Lord has been generous in sending us so many supporters, donors of construction materials, labor and financial support.
Where together, we heal!
House in the Woods
We cannot wait to welcome our all our veterans of all wars and active military to our lodge where each will find rest, recreation and educational activities in the outdoor wilderness of Maine.
Our lodge and all our outdoor events are ADA compliant for the needs of our combat wounded. You will traverse the trails and waters with ease. At the lodge your nights will be peaceful in our suites. Days spent in the Maine fresh air will be all you will need to drop off to sleep!
After a great dinner at day’s end and a campfire in the evening, you will be telling yourself and your family that you must return again. Perhaps for the August thru September black bear hunt or a moose hunt.
REMEMBER: You are NOT required to be a Maine resident. ALL are invited from ALL 50 United States. All accommodations and meals are at NO COST for our event participants.

217 Skunk Hill Rd, Lee, ME 04455
From Conception….
To completion…….

Lots of bright sunshine and fresh Maine air will be coming through these windows. Beautiful wood flooring!

Ceiling of the Great Room where our guests will gather. Gorgeous wood walls!

Paul House and Turbo (Super Tracker). Dee House and Mike Mathieu.
March 17th was a great morning on local radio with Mike Mathieu and Phil Bolduc from Neocraft Signs, talking with Matt and Bonnie from W105.5FM radio to update the radio station’s listeners of the progress made at the lodge. Mike Albert from A & A Hardware and Sue Donovan from Donavan’s Auto also joined us. Click to listen goo.gl/XuxSfi
Thank you everyone for letting us share the great work being done for our veterans. Radio coverage in Maine helps us get the word out more often regarding our military and family retreat.
We are excited that Neocraft is donating the front sign for our building and the braille signage for interior of the lodge.
Neokraft Signs put this HUGE banner of House in the Woods on the side of their building. We thank Neokraft for supporting House in the Woods!!
Sue Donovan and Mike Albert are spearheading an awesome golf tournament to benefit House in the Woods at to be held Monday, May 22, 2017 at 9:00 a.m. at Martindale Country Club in Auburn, Maine. Come join us for an excellent day of golf and to help support our veterans retreat lodge.

A wonderful donation from Macy’s Bangor store: queen size beds for our guest suites at the lodge! Sadly, the Bangor location is closing its’ doors, but we are so grateful for their generous donation of beds for the guest suites at the lodge.
More In-kind Donations for House in the Woods!!
During the construction of our military and family retreat we have had many in-kind donations. The following is another example of the amazing people and organizations who have stepped up and shouted, count me in!!!
Randall Liberty, Warden of Maine State Prison since 2015 had a project for some of the inmates in the Woodworking Shop: create dressers and nightstands for each of the suites at House in the Woods.
Perfect style for a lodge in the woods!! How great is this!!

Warden Liberty has been working with veteran causes after his discharge from active duty. At the Maine Prison he created a veterans block for those who served in our country’s military and, through some hard times, became incarcerated.
Randy served 21 years between the Army and Army National Guard. He has traveled throughout out country as an advocate for veterans dealing with PTSD. Randy created a documentary, A Matter of Duty which you can find at this link: A Matter of Duty
Liberty’s last assignment was in 2004 as the Command Sergeant Major of a Military Transition Team, Team Bulldog, embedded with 772 Iraqi Infantryman in the City of Fallujah.
TEAM BULLDOG. Front row L to R, second soldier is Command Sergeant Major Randall A. Liberty
You lose guys. It changes you forever….. ~ Randall Liberty ~
As a citizen of the United States, where we enjoy a fantastic amount of freedom, you may not agree about sending our men and women off to war, but is it not our moral duty to support these brave souls when they reintegrate? These are the individuals who step up to assure our freedom continues while we go day-to-day worrying about how to get that next raise at work, how to get a day off with pay and how to get our kids to baseball practice on time. These are the men and women in the Armed Forces who are often on their second or third deployment. They are the ones leaving their Unsung Heroes (their military kids) behind.

Handcrafted From Nature
Thank you to Mike Thurlow for this beautiful, rustic birch burl seat. When you stop in at the lodge, to visit us at House in the Woods, you can get the full story of this fabulous handcrafted sculptured chair. A generous, unique piece of decorative art created by Mike.
Bangor Bear Paws Quilters Present Beautiful Quilts to House in the Woods
These gorgeous quilts for House in the Woods Military & Family Retreat were lovingly crafted by Maine’s Bangor Bear Paws Quilters. Each quilt represents a branch of our armed forces. What a perfect gift for the new beds for the guest suites at the lodge!
Thank you so very much for your beautiful artwork and long hours of stitching.

Let Us Introduce You to A Great Friend of House in the Woods Military & Family Retreat……
~ The Summit Project ~

The Summit Project (TSP), is a Maine based, volunteer run and supported nonprofit service organization started in 2013. Unlike any project in America, it collects stories and stones that uniquely represent the country’s fallen heroes and allows the communities they died for to honor them through action. The Summit Project
Major David J. Cote
Major David J. Cote is a Marine Corps officer, an Iraq war veteran and a proud native Mainer. Over Memorial Day 2013, he officially created The Summit Project. He launched the website and visited Maine to publicly share a vision for a unique project to honor and sustain the memories of Maine’s newest war casualties and the faithful spirit of all Mainers — of whom 1 in 7 are veterans, among the highest concentrations in the nation.
The Summit Project, a nationally recognized, Maine based, 501(c)3 service organization, is a living memorial that pays tribute to the fallen service members from Maine who have died in the line of duty since September 11, 2001.
Volunteers learn about a fallen hero from Maine and then elect to carry his or her memorial stones in ongoing tribute treks across the world. Already the memorial stones and memories of our fallen have traversed America and even summited the peaks of Mt. Everest and Mt. Kilimanjaro.
One of the most important parts about TSP is that volunteers make an effort to learn about the fallen hero whose stone they carry. They then commit to writing a letter to the family of the fallen as a reflection of their experience. TSP volunteers have told us that carrying these stones has helped them understand what it was like to serve, what it means to serve and what it means to sacrifice for something greater.

As many of our regular readers of this monthly newsletter know, House in the Woods was conceived by Paul and Deanna House after losing their son Joel in Iraq. Blair Emery, a friend of Joel was also killed in Iraq a few months later. The following are just a few statements from some of the people who have carried their stones. At House in the Woods we honor all of the brave warriors who lost their lives in battle. When you visit The Summit Project website The Summit Project you will (sadly) see the long list of our military men and women who have paid the ultimate sacrifice for our freedom.
Sgt. Joel A. House
I feel honored to have carried Joel’s stone. I felt very proud to know that this brave hero was in my hands. We climbed Table Rock Mountain, and even though it was hard, Joel brought me right back up every time I got tired. He gave me a mission. This non-profit program is the best part of all! You are giving Joel a second chance at life., Thank you very much!…… ~ Love, Abby
It was an honor to carry Joel up the mountain. I know he would have done this hike as well, if he could. I think he was a very special man with a kind heart. Your family is amazing doing this non-profit program. I couldn’t imagine having a relative pass away and getting over it. You are all very strong and I hope you know that you’re doing a good thing by him with this stone. I will always carry his legacy…. ~ Love, Morgan
It was a great honor to carry the stone of Joel House. It was also a learning experience. As a young child my Dad went to Iraq and it never really clicked that he might not come back. Thankfully my Dad came home, but I am sorry that Joel did not. I cannot even begin to understand your pain and loss and the struggles that you go through but I would still like to offer my small words of apology for the loss of such a great young man. I wish you all the best………~ Sincerely, Richard
Sgt. Blair Emery
Christine Starkey and I, Patriot Riders both, were honored to care for the memory of SGT Blair W. Emery, via an engraved stone, selected by his family, from Portland to Millinocket, during The Summit Project’s initial event. Arriving by motorcycle at our destination, we transferred that stone to his Dad. As a Dad, I cannot fathom the grief that Mr. Emery endures. As a Veteran, I know all too well the sacrifices our servicemen and women, and their families, make in service to America. AGS, SGA.
Rest in God’s arms, SGT. We’ve got it from here…~ Dennis Murphy
It was a great honor to carry Army Sgt. Blair W. Emery’s stone to the summit of Cadillac Mountain on October 4th 2014. Before the hike I was able to learn a little bit about this great man and who he was. After meeting his parents, Quie and Bill Emery I learned even more about him and feel we would have been great friends. We shared a lot of the same interests and were both the babies in our families, each having two older sisters.
A friend comes to the side of those in need and joins you in many adventures throughout life. This hike was an adventure I will never forget and Blair’s stone represented a good friend. When the rain and wind came pouring down I had him on my mind and in my heart and that enabled me to continue on……….When we reached the summit I was proud to tell his story to the others who had made this journey and was proud to know that it may have affected them even in some small way. He seemed like a wonderful man that could make anyone laugh. Listening to his stories brought a smile to my face as it did to the others I told…….
It is hard to explain in words the emotions and pride that I felt by participating in this event. I met so many wonderful people who all gathered to celebrate and honor the noble deeds that these men and women did for their country. I will forever remember this experience and the people I met along the way. The love, generosity and strength were abundant among all. “I never knew how strong I was, until being strong was the only option.” God bless all our troops and their families….. ~ Lindsay Richards
I was so honored to carry Army Sgt. Blair W. Emery’s stone up Borestone Mountain going into the climb that i had made before, but doing it in the winter with snow shoes was a lot harder then before. Going up I was thinking about Sgt. Blair and what I had read about him he seemed like a very nice man who was loved by his family and friends. Once I reached the top we were asked to talk about the solider we had picked and when it came my turn to talk it was hard for me to put into words who Sgt. Blair was mostly because words can’t describe how great or kind a man really is. He loved baseball and almost was loved by everyone he came in contact with. It was cool to also read about how he found the stone when he was 5 years old, and after using it as a door stop for most of the stones life the entire family decided to use it has his stone. Doing this hike was really challenging but I was honored to do it. Thank you so much friends and family for letting me take Sgt. Blair”s stone up the mountain and I would gladly do it again……….. ~ Andrew Torbett ~
The act of solidarity and the alignment of the efforts toward the summits in Maine and other mountains across the world will reinforce the values that all Mainers hold dear – at TSP they look after one another, they remember one another, they take care of one another, they are faithful and they lift each other to higher places – literally and figuratively.
Please visit the website where many of Maine’s fallen are listed and where you can see stories of those who carried the stone for the heroes: The Summit Project
A nation reveals itself not only by the men it produces but also by the men it honors, the men it remembers. ~ President John F. Kennedy ~
Eight at Eight!!! Or is it Five on Five??
April 8, 2017 @ 8 a.m.
As seen in our March newsletter…this is a reminder. It’s not too late to plan to join us for Battle of the Badges Basketball Tournament at the Skehan Rec Center, located at 1 Main Rd N, Hampden, ME . Organized by the Maine Public Safety Community. The battle of the badges basketball tournament will be held on Saturday April 8th at the Skehan Rec Center in Hampden, ME. The entry fee for the tournament will be $12.00 per team member. All proceeds go directly to the House in the Woods Foundation.
This is always a fun for all. It can get rather competitive!! Come join the fun or to cheer your favorites on ! It will be a great time.

April 28 ~ 30, 2017
Paul House, Director of House in the Woods and his tracking dog, Turbo will be attending United Blood Trackers Trackfest in Beren, NY this month where they will participate in tracking trials and learn new tracking skills.
United Blood Trackers states: we are dedicated to promoting resource conservation through the use of trained tracking dogs in the ethical recovery of big game. We support recovery efforts afield, the education of hunters, the training and testing of dog handlers and their dogs, and legislative efforts to promote blood tracking.

Turbo after the storm…but no tracking here!
Many of the participants of hunting and fishing events at House in the Woods, as well as those sitting around a good old campfire, are familiar Turbo who is always at Paul’s side. He even graces Dee House with his presence at times! Turbo is a certified blood tracking dog who works along side Paul, a Maine Guide, tracking wildlife in the wood of Maine.
Blood tracking dogs are used for recovering wounded game. With training and experience a dog can learn to distinguish and track an specific wounded animal by other scents also rather than just its blood. We are confident Turbo will pass with flying colors in his tracking trials and as he learns his new skills.

April 30~May 3, 2017
Join House in the Woods for a three day turkey hunt! You could bag your Thanksgiving Day foul early or…have enjoy a Spring turkey dinner! When isn’t a turkey dinner enjoyable??
This has always been a fun springtime event for those who have
joined the veterans and active military in a few days of great hunting. Some attendees return each year. The Maine air is crisp and there is still some snow in the wood.

For details, Contact Deanna House (a Gold Star Mother and a Military Brat) at House in the Woods House in the Woods
At House in the Woods Military & Family Retreat we create a therapeutic, recreational and educational retreat for our U.S. Armed Forces and their families using outdoor wilderness activities in Maine and other natural habitats to help participants share common challenges related to their service and sacrifice in protecting our nation’s freedom and democratic ideals.

Visit our website House in the Woods.
Determine for yourself: do you think a few days in the wood of Maine would be something you would like to experience? You will connect with other veterans. As you have learned, it truly takes a veteran to understand another veteran. You will gain insight into things you thought were haunting only you…when in reality your brothers~in~arms have been there.
YOU ARE NOT ALONE IN THIS. Our combat wounded, our Vietnam vets and soldiers still serving are the MOST supportive you will find! Plus, you deserve some great R&R in the fresh air, hike the trails, smell the pine, relax on the ponds in a canoe or kayak. Throw the line out for a catch…join us for a bear hunt or deer hunt…….open water fishing!
All events are created with the combat wounded in mind. Nothing to stop you when you are a participant in any of the events at House in the Woods!!!! We have all terrain vehicles and our new lodge has an elevator. Every aspect of the lodge is ADA compliant.


If you have been wondering how you can help House in the Woods, stepping up to volunteer is a great way to support our lodge. One day, one week or a month. We have a great force of volunteers with a wide-range of skills, but we are always grateful for more help. Perhaps you are kicking around some ideas for summer vacation. Maine is fabulous in the summer!!
Have you been thinking you would like to introduce your children to the gift of volunteering….to teach them first-hand about the brave warriors who have stepped up and become defenders of our freedom and our liberty?? Your kids may even be able to volunteer with some of their own age who are the Unsung Heroes…the Military Brat of today.
Contact Deanna House, Director of Administrative Services. Send her an email to see how you can help: Deanna House
As this newsletter began I made you aware of the Unsung Heroes, the Military Brat and the fact that April was officially dedicated to these kids who live the military life. As author of this newsletter I personally have loved ones currently serving in the Armed Forces.
I have seen my own kids and grandkids step up and serve my beloved country. My family has paid the ultimate sacrifice from the Korean War through the Iraq War. But I realized that all too often the kids who live the life of relocations, saying good-bye to Dad or Mom as deployment time rolls around, these kids are rarely praised as kids who also serve their country.
I am certain many readers of this newsletter were not aware until today that there April is the Month of the Military Child. It is my hope that in some small way I have opened your heart and mind to doing something to help support the military family. You only need ask a local church, veterans’ organization or the woman sitting next to you at work whose husband is in Iraq…ask how you can help them! They are serving for you…………………..
~ Brenda Everson~Shaw ~

He is risen….
As you gather with loved ones to celebrate Easter in the manner which you choose, my personal message to my readers is………..
He is risen….