Military & Family Retreat

I have had the honor presented to me to consult on an amazing nonprofit project for veterans of ALL wars and conflicts in which the United States has taken part and for all active military personnel.
House in the Woods
By clicking on the link above you will be able to read the “backstory” of how House in the Woods came to be. Below are pictures of the two soldiers whose families brought this idea to fruition.
Sgt. Joel House
Sgt. Blair Emery
On the home page of House in the Woods you will find a link to a documentary “Welcome to Lee, Maine“. Take the time to watch the story of two young men killed in action in Iraq. Experience how this has impacted the lives of their families and many of their friends and residents of this small town located in the beautiful state of Maine. You will then understand why I am so proud to be assisting in the fundraising.
NOTE: this lodge for veterans and active military is for all veterans across these United States. You are not required to be a Maine resident.
Perhaps from time-to-time the thought crosses your mind, “Gee, I really should do something to lend my support to our troops.” Then, life gets busy and the idea gets put on hold because you don’t know who to ask or where to find any “decent” information. LOOK NO FURTHER. You will find it here!
Keep in mind many of these veterans have served and our troops are currently serving in some remote country you would never have on your bucket list to visit.
I am from a military family. Many of my siblings, cousins, uncles and my son have served. My niece sadly became a Gold Star Mother in 2007 when her son, Matthew Bean of Pembroke, MA was killed in Iraq. My Uncle was killed in the Korean War. There are members of the next generation in my family actively serving.
When I visited House in the Woods I immediately recognized it as a way to help veterans from all over the U.S. I am convinced when I share this information many of you will grasp what a great gift this is for veterans and active military to stay at the lodge for some peace and quiet. To relax in Nature. To join in the hunting & fishing, walk or traverse the fabulous woods in specialized ATVs for the handicapped and amputees. And, at day’s end, simply sit with their brothers in arms around the campfire with a coffee at the ready.
Time spent with people who “really get it”….those who are serving and those who have been wounded physically and emotionally by the horrors of the war our troops have been fighting for too long. Only a veteran truly understands another veteran. ALL accommodations and meals are free to all veterans and active military who attend, be it a few days or a week! FREE!
Paul House
I am using the format of my own blog for those of you who visit here regularly, following my small business musings and some teachings (smile), I am asking you to consider donating to this great retreat for our military. Plain & simple. Please don’t just “think about it”…this time DO SOMETHING positive about helping. This is NOT for Maine residents only. Many from all across the United States have enjoyed themselves on one of the retreats.
Our Heroes
The American Armed Forces and their family members come together in the Maine outdoors to share and heal from the sacrifices and challenges of their military service. Sometimes the only one who can understand a veteran is another veteran. By creating outdoor retreats, House in the Woods is helping our veterans and their families connect with veterans across military branches and generations from every walk of life.
Since July, 2010, our outdoor therapeutic, educational, and recreational programs have helped hundreds of veterans come together to learn how to cope with and to heal from their mental and physical wounds. Founders Paul House and Bill Emery, who have both lost sons in the Iraq War, have been assisted by dozens of individuals, businesses, and military organizations to create hunting & fishing retreats in locations throughout Maine and beyond her borders.
Maine’s natural resources play a pivotal role in educating many veterans as to how to handle their traumatic, new life realities.
Veterans and their families are able to attend for free. Our community members may be charged a nominal fee.
Lee, Maine Population 845
All this exciting growth and development creates a need for a “Home” for House in the Woods. In May, 2014 Paul and Dee House launched the future site for this home by donating 4 acres in Lee, Maine to kick off a major capital development campaign. Since then, over 80 businesses and individuals have jumped on board to construct an 80’ X 90’ square foot facility which will host up to 24 veterans, hold meetings, and provide office and equipment storage space.
House in the Woods
As of today, we have $1.2 million dollars in construction costs. We have a “project friend” who has loaned us $1,000,000 and continues to donate as the project grows. The remaining balance comes through donations of money and in-kind material, equipment, and services. We anticipate a final project cost of $2.2 million for which we would like to pay off as much of the loan as possible.
In addition, we are looking to raise an $8 million endowment in order to operate our veterans’ retreat program for generations into the future.
If you and your family, your business or organization is compelled to reach out and help veterans we are making it simple. Below you will find a donation form. Print it out and send it along. My name is referenced on the form. It will indicate you are donating to the $50,000 I have been assigned to campaign for funds to defray some of the cost of the installation of the HVAC system which has been installed. If you find you would like to also donate to the general fund or the endowment fund, you can easily indicate that on the form.

Air Force ~ Marines ~ Army ~ Navy
Coast Guard ~ National Guard

House in the Woods
Please take a moment to complete the form below as you send along your generous gift.
If you prefer to pay by credit card or Pay Pal, please call us at (207) 738-4421 or visit our website where you can securely donate online: http://www.houseinthewoods.org
Postal Address: 217 Skunk Hill Road, Lee, ME 04455
Nonprofit # 27-0183317

Monetary ________ In-Kind Material and/or Equipment _____________
One Time ______ Monthly ________ Annual _______ |
Street Address ___________________________
Permission to Publicly Acknowledge (including listing in Supporters’ Circle on website)
Please circle: Yes No (I prefer to remain anonymous)
Signature ___________________________________
Date____________ |
My family, business, or service organization wants to help veterans. Please accept my donation for: ___$50: ___ $100; ____ $250; ___ $500; ___ $1000; ___ $2500; ___$5000 ____ Other
(Reference: Brenda F. Shaw) |
House in the Woods receives no government funding. Thus, we rely on the generosity of individuals, businesses, and service organizations. House in the Woods Military & Family Retreat is a 501(c)3 nonprofit
L.to R. Bill & Quie Emery, Dee & Paul House
Gold Star Parents