Design/Build Projects


The Design/Build industry has always been one of my favorite industries. I have many friends and family who work in this industry. Thus, it became the perfect choice for me to write some articles about this very talented group of people. It’s my hope that you will enjoy the articles I create and share about some of my favorite projects.

The fruits of the labor intensive work of very talented and educated builders, craftsmen, architects, interior designers and all the trades that bring the small cottage, the large, expansive executive homes, the three bedroom two bath family home and the condo units, all result in providing a home for our families. 

I have had the opportunity to work in this industry as an administrative and marketing person. It is here that I was privileged to work with some of the finest men and women in this “blue collar” industry. 

I have two extremely talented sons, Keith and Marc Shaw who both have been in the business of design/build for most of their adult life. A craft their father, Ken Shaw taught them at a very young age when they first learned to hit the nail with the hammer!

Keith Shaw is President of Delphi Construction with offices located in Waltham and Mashpee, Massachusetts. Delphi has their own marketing department as they are a large company that has been in business for many years. You can find them at:

Delphi Construction


Marc Shaw is now owner of Pro356 LLC located in Oakton, VA. I am fortunate to currently be the Marketing Consultant for this company. You can find Pro356 LLC at the following:

Pro356 LLC

Each of these gentlemen possesses the gift of craftsmanship with many years of on-the-job experience in a vast field from simple remodeling to building multimillion dollar homes. Both, in their own right, are highly regarded and respected in the field of Design/Build.

It is their individual and collective success that inspires me to continue my love, interest and ongoing curiosity about the industry. 

I am extremely proud to call both of these men my sons. Each is a true gentleman, each a loving, patient father and each is a wonderful husband. 

I appreciate the time each of you has taken to read the articles I post under Projects News. I can be reached via email, which you can find on my website listed below. Feel free to email me any comments and compliments you feel you would like to give: Brenda Everson Shaw




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