
Real Estate Marketing

As you peruse my website, I draw your attention to the Real Estate Showcase tab with samples of brochures I created for various properties for sale in Massachusetts and Maine.

In the sub tab Waterfront Home, Lincoln, Maine you will find a beautiful, unique property that is owned by a friend of mine for whom I created a brochure when he was considering putting it on the market.

Each RE client is presented the brochure in digital format which can be  dropped into their own website.

Or I can create a brochure in the PDF format, giving you the option to also have printed hardcopies to hand out at open houses or mail to interested buyers. Having that printed brochure available in the buyers’ hand is an amazing tool. Full colored photographs of the home and property and creative content writing to bring “the story” to light. A New View From A Different Angle.

Give me a call, text me or email me. 

Brenda Everson-Shaw








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