“A soldier doesn’t fight because he hates what is in front of him. A soldier fights because he loves what he left behind.” – Author unknown

We at House in the Woods love our Veterans, love our Military and, who doesn’t love Valentine’s Day? We want to take a moment to also express our love and gratitude to those, here, back in the “land of the free and home of the brave”, who are helping our veterans and our military to adjust, commune with other brothers and sisters, and simply take a deep breath and relax at a very special place up the road a piece in Maine.

Up the road a piece you will come across Lee, Maine where folks gather to help one another. A place where the community reaches out in time of need and gathers for the fun times of skiing, fishing, hunting, snowmobiling or taking a simple stroll in the wood.
This is where you find the hardworking, generous people who love our land, know how to honor nature and all that she offers to those who live here, and those who visit Maine.

The House in the Woods Family & Military Retreat’s mission is to create a therapeutic, recreational and educational retreat for our nation’s U.S. Armed Forces and their families, using outdoor wilderness activities in Maine and natural habitats to help participants share common challenges related to their service and sacrifice in protecting our nation’s freedom and democratic ideals.
Up the road a piece, tucked in the wood of Lee, Maine you will find something of a surprise…...House in the Woods Military and Family Retreat.
~ Those Who Share ~

Most recently, Joseph and Stacey Guerin of R.M. Flagg Food Service and Equipment saw the vision of House in the Woods. In January they donated and delivered a full-size commercial kitchen valued at $50,000.
Stacey Guerin stated, “House in the Woods is an amazing place designed to be a place of peace and healing for our military men and women and their families. We thank them for their service and their sacrifice. We were humbled that the Lord allowed us to have the opportunity to deliver our donation of a $50,000 commercial kitchen to them today.”
Visit R.M. Flagg : R.M. Flagg

A Gift From The Heart
Two of the wonderful gifts included in the commercial size appliances are a double door refrigerator and commercial size range.
~ Dinner Will Be Served ~
A commercial size mixer that will be creating some fabulous pancakes, mashed potatoes, perhaps some homemade bread dough and many other mouth-watering surprises. And, a full-size commercial dishwasher which will make clean-up a breeze, as well as a huge ice making machine!
Plus stainless commercial sinks and prep tables, deep fryers, microwave, commercial toaster, stainless shelving … EVERYTHING a large kitchen requires when serving many guest!
Just as in many homes, we believe this kitchen, up the road a piece in Lee, Maine, will be a gathering spot for all to sit, grab a coffee and simply relax, sharing the day’s adventures and making plans for the following day. Fabulous meals for hungry hunters and fishermen, trail blazers and kayak paddlers, the guides and the guests families. Hearty breakfasts and great evening feasts….and new friends made, that is what we will experience from this fabulous kitchen!

Writer’s prerogative: I am taking the liberty, as author of this newsletter, to share with you the following as I believe it lends itself to the mission:
Being presented with the honor of working with Paul & Dee House, to assist in creating increased awareness of the House in the Woods, has been an amazing journey for me. The dedication and life- altering decision of Paul and Dee has given the local communities yet another reason to come together for such an honorable purpose.
These are two of the most dedicated and hard-working individuals I am honored to call friends.
Proverbs 3:5-6 Trust in the Lord with all thine heart: and lean not unto thine own understanding.
A husband and wife whose faith in our Lord has provided them the fortitude to forge ahead when others thought they were “crazy” to take on the huge construction project of a lodge….. up the road a piece in this little town of Lee, Maine. Yet their unwavering faith told them that this would be possible and completed to honor their son Joel and his friend Blair, as well as all warriors who lost their lives in battles fought in all wars. Joe and Blair stepped up to serve their country, were deployed to Iraq where they paid the ultimate sacrifice.

Please remember, House in the Woods offers all of the following: events, meals and accommodations completely free to all combat wounded, active military and any veteran from any town in the United States of America who has served or is serving to protect the freedom and liberties of our Country.
~ Pre~Valentine Treat ~
You don’t want to miss a fabulous 30 minute broadcast about House in the Woods which is scheduled to air on television February 12th. Episode 5 on the Growing Home show . At this juncture Growing Home is only shown on Maine stations. We hope to soon hear that it will become a national show available to all. So, if you are a “Mainer” be sure to tune in and let us know what you think!!
Take a peek at the trailer found at this link: Growing Home, House in the Woods

To our beloved Veterans, our heroes, who served so gallantly, on lands so far away, serving for the freedom of all United States citizens here at home, we thank you! Happy Valentines Day!!
All of us associated with House in the Woods Military & Family Retreat have diligently been calling to the attention of many, how essential it is that we honor those who gave there all and did not return.
We are on a mission to honor those who gave so much, left so much behind and came home to, often, relive it all over again: our combat wounded and those silently suffering with PTSD.
We honor all our combat wounded, all our warriors, all our heroes!

We invite you to visit the House in the Woods website where you will see, under the tab Building, a list of companies who have donated time and materials to the construction of the retreat lodge. Take a moment to see businesses large and small, next door as is Lincoln, Maine and up the road a piece…….plus some from across the nation, who have shown their generosity and support.
Also, take a moment to look at the events, under Programs, offered year-round to veterans, military and their families. These hunting, fishing and trailblazing events are lead by licensed Maine Guides and assisted by unselfish and, excellent volunteers whom, without, these adventures would be nearly impossible.
On our website under Supporters you will find the various ways you too can be a supporter of this retreat, up the road a piece, sitting in the middle of the quiet wood where you can smell the pine and hear the “sound of silence”.
House in the Woods
Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world, indeed; it’s the only thing that ever has. ~ Margaret Mead ~

Doug and Rita Sukeforth who have been staunch supporters of House in the Woods throughout the construction of the lodge.
We thank you!!

Steve St. Louis, lead carpenter and Gordon Boyington, project manager who have been at the construction site from 2014 to present.
All of the contractors, their skilled teams of tireless men and women who have spent hours upon hours helping to build this retreat for all veterans who come for a stay……we say “THANK YOU ALL!”
Coming together is a beginning, keeping together is progress, Working together is success! ~ Henry Ford ~

On January 21, 2017 over THREE HUNDRED hearty ice fishing enthusiasts from near and far started to hit the ice from 6:00 a.m. thru 3:30 p.m for the 7th Annual Ice Fishing Derby to benefit House in the Woods!
Through the generosity of the attendees attending Great Pond Outdoor Adventure Center, over $10,000 was donated to this fabulous 501(c) 3 nonprofit for our veterans, active military and their families.
Prizes for the longest fish were:
Brown Trout: Jiffy Propane Ice Auger
Small mouth bass: Muzzleloader
Pickerel: 3 Heritage fishing traps, a pack basket and an aerator
The entry fee for the derby was $5.00 which also entered attendees for a chance to win our fantastic prizes. And there was the 50/50 raffle.
Breakfast sandwiches bacon or ham sold like hotcakes!! Lunch time we had homemade beef stew, chili, hot dogs, chili dogs, yeast rolls, lots of sweets …keeping warm and fueling up for more ice fishing in the afternoon!!

New England folks believe it’s never too early to get the kids on the ice! Be it ice fishing, skating, snowmobiling on the thick ice or just exploring nature, we are a hearty bunch who don’t let a little cold and snow stop us!!
Of course Maine has its’ rather large population of moose. It seems Maynard the Moose heard there was something awesome happening at Great Pond!! With over 300 people attending it was a fun and fabulous day for all!!
Join us in April for Battle of the Badges Basketball Tournament at the Skehan Rec Center, located at 1 Main Rd N, Hampden, ME . Organized by the Maine Public Safety Community. Visit our website for date and time: House in the Woods
This is always a fun time for all. It can get rather competitive!! Come join the fun or to cheer your favorites on ! It will be a great time.

Community Matters More Giving Back to Maine Communities.
The Bangor Savings Bank Foundation believes in giving back to our community. And we believe that by focusing on the needs that matter most to our neighbors and friends—from developing housing for our poor to direct charitable contributions—we matter more in the daily lives of our fellow Mainers.
We Need Your Help
In April, the Bangor Savings Bank Foundation will give more than $100,000 to 40 local non-profit organizations. We are looking to you, our community, to assist us by deciding how to best distribute these funds. We want to hear from as many Maine residents as possible, so please invite your friends, neighbors, and colleagues to participate as well.
Please visit the following link where you will be instructed how to add House in the Woods Military & Family Retreat as your favorite nonprofit. Cast your Vote Today
Maine residents, including children under 18 years of age, can begin voting February 1st. Voting ends Tuesday, February 28, 2017 at 11:59pm.
HELP US GET A $5,000 Bangor Savings Bank Community Matters More grant:
VOTE ONLINE: From Feb. 1 to Feb 28 in up to 3 districts.
This is the coolest campaign ever. There are 8 Maine districts. Each voter may select up to 3 charities from different districts. All charities will receive a grant. Because this is Bangor Savings’ 10th year anniversary for this campaign, this year they are awarding $5,000 to the TOP 2 charities in EACH district.
MAINE RESIDENTS: You must be a Maine resident but children under 18 may vote.
SPREAD THE WORD: Please help us get the vote out by sharing online or with your friends, family, and co-workers.
PAPER BALLOTS: If you know people who aren’t online, they can still vote by paper ballot. This is also a cool way to spread the word at work, church, or where ever there are Maine residents. You can go into a Bangor Savings branch near you or contact me. Photocopies are acceptable.
This is the year to win this grant. We need to finish furnishing the lodge and still put on some great programs.
We are finally and joyfully at the stage where we can begin to furnish the interior of House in the Woods!!! We are shooting for an April Open House.
We have a concept of what we think would be the perfect theme for our lodge where our military and veterans can relax and enjoy themselves as guests during the many events to be held at the lodge.
Below are a few ideas we are considering. Tell us what you think:

If you would like to contribute to the funding of the furnishings for the rooms please contact Dee House at Dee’s Email
Or give Dee a call at 207.738.4421

A most welcoming atmosphere where any guest can hang their hat, come in for a few days or a week and join with other Armed Forces Brothers and Sisters. Our goal is to create a retreat for our nation’s U.S. Armed Forces and their families, to help participants share common challenges related to their sacrifice in protecting our nation’s freedom and democratic ideals.
We feel certain this is the place where that will happen!
There is also need to furnish our offices with desks, chairs and all the necessities that make an office run! Please keep this in mind when you are considering supporting House in the Woods. When you donate you can specify where you would like the funds to be applied. For example; building fund, furnishings, general fund or supplies for hunting gear….I think you get the idea!
We look forward to hearing from you!
Lima. Oscar. Victor. Echo.
Tango. Yankee.
We want to send our love and deepest gratitude….
to all our military both here and abroad who defend our country
train relentlessly and are separated from family and loved ones for far too long
all to keep our nation free and remaining a democratic nation

May no soldier go unloved,
May no soldier walk alone,
May no soldier be forgotten,
May no soldier be left behind,
When they return home…..
Land of the Free, Home of the Brave